Alright, today we are in a hurry. The district is getting together at 1 (in 30 minutes) to go bowling, and it's a 20 minute drive. So, yeah. But, things are great. There is still TONS of snow. It's COOOOLD. I'm surviving though. A member gave me boots, they fit and are very warm. I also bought some 40 Below socks. They keep my feet warm. I am going to try to find a fleece jacket. Sister Sorensen doesn't think my coat will be warm enough for the winter. She has a down coat plus a fleece jacket and it's still cold. I don't know, I can hope for warmth! I'm glad that I didn't get here in the middle of winter. They still go out proselyting in -30 weather. :S brrrr. I'm gonna be an icle. But, many are chilled and few are frozen. So, I hope to stay in the majority!
We have 3 or 4 investigators. Getting them to church is SO hard. We also taught a first lesson to a couple who have 1 kid and another on the way. We think they are J.W.'s. Gratefully they haven't been rude. They've pulled out their scriptures, asked questions, listened and moved on. We are going back to teach the Plan of Salvation. How cool would that be to see a JW convert? haha. We are waiting on Bro. Anderson's letter of approval. He can't get baptized until the 1st Presidency approve. Man, it seems like tons has happened, it's just hard to describe. I'm slowly getting better at contacting. I'll get there. We have run into some anti's but nothing to extreme. Sister Sorensen told me stories about some of the people she has run into. She said she was only truly scared once...and that's when she tracted into a bible study of Born Again Christians. The teach anti-mormon doctrine. One woman she tracted into even fell to her knees praying for the devils to be cast out and then ran back, got a pamplet titled "What to say when Mormon Missionaries come to your door.." Crazy. I was a little nervous something like that was gonna happen on Sunday. I talked to this woman in her driveway and once I said who we were she wouldn't make eye contact and quickly told us to leave. Whatever.
Oh, favorite Scripture. Phillipians 4:13. I can't upload a picture onto the library computer. So yeah. Jesse's mom forwarded me his email and told me to forward it to dad. So I will do that. and she wants your email. Not sure why.
I've gotten tons of letters these past 2 weeks. It's kind of crazy. Just send letters to the mission home. They forward the letters the same day and we just get it one day later. It saves the hassle of changing addresses at transfers. And if you ever send a package, do NOT use Fed Ex they won't forward the packages. UPS will. Hmm, let's see....I am definitely here in Oakdale until May 11th. After that I don't know.
As for church meetings. We get up at 5 for 6 am meetings. We meet with Bishop, ward mission leader, and ourselves. Then we meet with just our ward mission leader. Then we go back in for PEC. Sundays are so long. I spoke on Sunday. I guess it went pretty well. Things are going great, and I'm slowly adapting to missionary life. As for our apartment, the members are never in there. It's like our own apartment. I am actually surprised because our apartment has been messy (which stresses me out, believe it or not). That's one of my pet peeves. Dirty dishes left everywhere, things thrown around the living room... (bedrooms are another story!) The bathtub is GROSS. I did a light cleaning of it today, but next pday...It's going DOWN! Haha. Wow, so yeah. Life is great. The mission is awesome.
We get to go to the temple once a quarter. It takes place of pday. have fun cleaning. They are cleaning the chandeliers here, I wanted to go help, but we aren't allowed :(
Miranda and shae both seem to be popular with the boys! Shae, I wish I had advice for you.. If I were to give either of them advice on boys, it would be this: Be honest and straightforward. Don't be afraid to let boys know what you are thinking or what you want. It makes it easier to have open communication. So just straight up tell them! ;)
Austin, the lightsaber picture: It's lead. Colored lead. The flash reflects off of it. It's from a colored mechanical pencil. So yeah. It's fun. Alright, I've got to go! I love you!! Things are awesome and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start gaining weight. So much for training my body not to overeat. I'll have to retrain my body after my mission. Uggghhhh. I want nice weather so we can go running!!!
Oh, I haven't called Kim. You should ask her where she lives. I don't remember where Luke is, but it's definitely not here. There is no college here. Oh, here is a little about my ward. Our ward covers East St. Paul, Lake Elmo, Oakdale, Woodbury, Lakeland and Stillwater. East St Paul is a very poor area and Woodbury is full of very rich people. So we have both in the ward...our members from Woodbury feel very judged from the more rich. It's hard to see the way that members interact and treat each other. It's a whole new perspective from a missionary's point of view. The Sanderson's live in an Elder's area, but it's right next to a sister's area. That was sis. Sorensen's first area. I'll have to ask the elder's there about them. I'm glad you are all doing well. I love you all and will talk to you soon!!
Sister Randall
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