So, I've been thinking! (surprised?) I was remembering all the fun times when I was little and me and my cousins, and even Alissa and Stephanie and Josh would play down in the playroom in grandma's old house, and I remembered the glowing eye ball bouncy-ball! It was such good times. And then we all started growing up. I remember Daniel leaving and returning from his mission, and I remember Josh being on his mission, and Alissa going to school. Stephanie graduating the same year (if not a month after) as Tyson, and Tyson going on a mission, Stephanie going to school. Sam graduated and left for his mission. Tyson came home, Sam came home. Alissa has graduated school! Josh and Alissa, Stephanie and Tyson have all gotten married (and I used to play with them!! :D) and now I'm graduated from H.S. and in college, along with Randall, Rocio, Tonya and soon to be Sam and Charity! It's absolutely insane how quickly time flies! The next 3 1/2 years of school are going to fly by! It seems like such little time, like nothing can happen! In the next two years I will either be married (or about to get married) or about to leave for a mission (which is what I'm planning on now). I could be an aunt!!!......or not. I don't know! It's crazy how much can happen so quickly! Those times playing in the playroom seem like only last year! Moving to Auburn seems only months ago! And now my family lives in a totally new location and I'm in Idaho! Crazy, huh? Well, I just am amazed at how much has happened, and how fast it goes by :) That's all I've got. I hope you were amused!!
<3 Adrianna <3
ahh, you remembered the good times! I loved Sunday nights and I even remember the green glow in the dark ball! I can't remember how we played with it. Didn't we play hide and go seek with it? I don't remember if you remember playing cat and mouse or treasure island but those were some of my favorites too. And then we all slowly got into the teenage years and started transitioning to the upstairs adult conversations. It is amazing how fast time flies!